'On November 11th 2016, IOM (International Organisation for Migration) conducted and organised an orientation for 22 young people from members of JUST ACT in preparation for a fishing project. The association should be handed over a fibre engine boat, meant to engage young people in fishing on the shores of Janjanbureh Island in mitigating illegal migration among the youth folks. The training will enhance employment opportunities for youths of the Island and also ease the livelihood of the community and it's surroundings... However, IOM in collaboration with the National Youth Council, The Gambia conducted a consultation with regional stakeholders in order to identify youth projects for due interventions and along that vein Justact Gambia are awarded the support.'
From Omar Jammeh ( Just Act Gamia Gambian Director and Chair of Central River Region National Youth Council) Congratulations are due to the initial ideas and suggestions being put to IOM from Just Act members. This is the whole purpose of Just Act Gambia, that support comes from within the country and it is the strength of the Gambian JUST ACT NYC registered group that was recognised by IOM and encouraged them to support this initiative. May it be one of many future developments.