One particular area in CRR has been badly affected by this, Njau Village in Central River Region. Prominent members of JUST ACT were an important part of addressing this issue over the weekend, funded by Coopi International with technical support from NYC

5th July Report by Omar Jammeh
'Regional Youth Committee-CRR hosted members of YAIM, dominated by #migrant#returnees from Libya to engage Panchang Senior and Upper Basic on the dangers of irregular migration, sharing oppourtunities youths can undertake and stories from returnees about their experiences encountered.........
A cinema show was showcased at Njau to enable community members to see the tragedy around the deserts, sea and detention centers around Tripoli leading to modern slavery..........
The caravan is funded by Coopi International who are keen to address the root causes of irregular migration.....'
Justice MK Saidykhan
"It was another interactive day filled with amazing ideas and contributions from the youth as we join Youth against Irregular Migration in their awareness raising events in CRR North... With funding from COOPI and technical support from NYC we reached out to more than 100 youth in a day to raise their awareness on the ordeals of Irregular migration and interaction with parents.
Existing opportunities were shared and the youth renewed their commitment to #TekkiFii.:"

Not only were these youths and families sensitised but reporting on Facebook invited further responses revealing the problems of Gambians currently trapped in Algeria "who need urgent help to return back to Gambia because of the way the Algerian and the Moroccans are treating them there. According to them when the security arrest them they will be taken to the desert with no food no water for them to walk for 30kms to Niger"
The more sharing of such information the more people will be aware
The Dangers
5th July report from The Fatu Network:'At least 80 migrants are feared dead after a boat capsized off the coast of Tunisia.'
The background

Aware of this heartbreaking attitude, meaning 'taking the back way', through irregular migration an amazing organisation sprang up from a small group of people who had returned after being unsuccessful in their attempt to reach new destinations. Being only too well aware of the horrors they could encounter on the way, YAIM (Youths Against Irregular Migration) was officially formed by some youths of The Gambia who were repatriated from Libya in 2017. I watched them grow from small beginnings and put them in touch with JUST ACT. YAIM should be so proud of their actions and undoubtedly they have caused families and youths to really consider and reconsider their traditional thoughts on taking such routes.
Awareness Raising on irregular migration
MOTTO: Advocate for greater youth employment opportunities to avoid irregular migration
MISSION: Discourage youth involvement in irregular migration, thus bringing an end to irregular migration
GOAL: Engaging youths in self reliant activities
"On July 4th 2017, exactly two years ago, IOM - UN Migration became an official country mission in The Gambia with the aim of assisting in the voluntary return and reintegration of thousands of Gambians stranded in Libya and around Africa.
Today, we operate in a variety of areas, including labour migration, border management, counter-trafficking, migration health and more. Thank you to all of our partners for joining us in our goal of promoting safe and orderly migration."